So...I have to tell you the Bug Story.
As you may have guessed, I am an avid gardener. I just love to nurture along all the little plants that I seed in and the seedlings, as well. I bought a coleus to use in one of the big black urns on my front step. However, I had intended to buy two so they would sort of match. I forgot. Sometimes, I just get distracted by all the choices at the local nurseries and forget what I was supposed to purchase.

Unfortunately, as we talked the mosquitoes and bugs were starting to present themselves full-force! I had the misfortune to swallow one and choked and sputtered clumsily, much to my embarrassment. I finally was able to finish my conversation and head home. I drove down the street, stopped at the stop sign and turned right onto the larger main road. There was only a little traffic as it was getting later in the evening. About a half a block after turning, I realized that something was crawling inside my throat around my epiglottis! I started to cough and was soon gagging. This very quickly turned to me starting to feel like puking! I put my hand in front of my face just as I started to throw up. As I held the vomit in my hand against my face, I was trying to slow down and pull off the road. I finally stopped and shut off the van, all the while gagging and continuing to try not to throw up more or drop what was in my hand. I realized that I couldn't open the door with my left hand and had to struggle to open it with my right-all while still choking back vomit. I finally got it open and still couldn't get out! I had my seatbelt to still contend with! Groan. By now, I am in full heaving and vomit is starting to come up. I finally stepped out of my van just as everything decided to spew from me. I got the door of my van, I got my clothes, and the road all full force!

Sorry for laughing, but that sounds pretty nasty!