Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rain Rain go away...A rain rant

This was a rain rant that I wrote in the beginning of May and did not post - shame on me....lol
The sun has now been shining and it has been over 25 degrees Celsius for more than a week - so this does not apply weather-wise but I admit I still liked it and decided to post it apres rain:

It has now been raining steadily for three days too many. I know that it has been unusually dry here for a very long time but enough is just enough. If rain wasn't so life-giving I would truly hate it. As it is, it gives nourishment to many of the things that I enjoy in life; things that include kayaking, gardening, flowers, trees, reading books on rainy days, Clear Lake, and Tokaryk Lake. And I cannot argue with that wonderful smell after a rain!
I hate getting wet with my clothes on and as a result have a generous, all right - ridiculous, number of umbrellas. I have multiples of them at the cabin, at the house, and several in my vehicle. It wouldn't be so bad but I insist on carrying one with me the minute a cloud skims across the sky - never know, it might rain. It is a standing joke in our house about my addiction/dependence on umbrellas. My hubby has teased me over the years that I am like a cat in the rain and just as snarly. I can't see a way around it short of buying a rainsuit and that would be just ridiculous looking. Couldn't you just see short, plump me traipsing through the grocery store in a bright yellow slicker and rubber boots? In the middle of the prairies, where I live, it would be a somewhat odd thing to do. lol
I once had a boyfriend who thought that it was romantic walking in the rain holding hands - he didn't last long after that information surfaced! I have to give myself credit though - I did try it once, came down with a whopper of cold and decided that once was just too much and I would never do it again and haven't.

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